Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Pi the Tyger

I finished the 'Life of Pi'.
It was horrifying, revolting and interesting.
If I were an animal, what would I be? I would still be human.
Like in Pi's head he was a tiger, his mother was an Orangutan, the cook was the Hyena and the sailor was a zebra; I can't be anything else. Assuredly, this book does not have a pleasant after taste. Decidedly, I am going to have trouble eating for sometime.
Pi hits so close home. His view of Brahman, the longing for sambaar, the beach, the zoo, Ravi the cricketer... Too close for comfort.
Ultimately, its the spirit of survival that wins, despite the tortured psyche. In all a seemingly happy ending. I seriously wonder, if anyone can approach life normally after an account like that. Fertile grounds for a Hannibal Lecter in the making, if he had still taken Richard Parker with him, but very symbolically Pi says goodbye to that massive Tiger once he is rescued.
So its Martel saying, Pi is human again; anyway that part of time had never really gone away. It was there all along, taming the animal, knowing that being the animal was necessary to survive but never really losing sight of what he really is.
I hate castaway stories. I truely hate them. I loathe stories of utter desparation.
Desparation is like ghosts. If you believe they exist, you'll be seeing them everywhere, everytime the breeze lifts the curtains. Say ( and mean it when you say so) that there is no such thing, then you will be able to go through life without once encountering it. Probabilty is in favor of that. There should always be some thing we can do to make things better.

The Tiger as a symbol and an image has always fascinated me as most others, I am sure. Some poems live forever in the hearts of very un-poetic souls like me.who can forget that chilling ode to the Predator that William Blake wrote. I have read the entire works of Blake (liked one more called The Poison Tree-its all about communication). The book was given to me by my English teacher of middle school Rani Ma'am (who is almost the sole contributor to my taking up an interest in reading, writing and performing). She was quite thrilled that I liked Tyger, she even challenged me to recite it from memory. I did it.
(click pic to read the masterpiece)

Something of a religious feeling creeps in, doesn't it?

I know for those who havent read 'Life of Pi' or Blake's works (remember red dragon? reserved for a post on art :D !!) this entire post has been 'I came, I saw, I closed the Window';so due apologies. To those who are interested, I hope the links helped you know more. To those who identify-'Yaaay my target audience, please do say something...anything' For I eagerly await comments!! [as the occassion demands it]

did he who made aishwarya rai make me??