Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Rock Bottom

Pondering over the things that could possibly make a person hit this fabled extreme, I have drawn the following list-
A. Loss (of friends/loved ones) and/or Separation
B. Being broke
C. Having no prospects at all in studies and/or work
D. Homelessness and instability

What if someone is so lucky as to say yes to all of the above choices...Are they so deep down that a nadir seems like an eyerie?

Top 3 Cliched ways to see the bright side of crashing and burning -
3. There is no other way to go but up
2. You have nothing left to lose
and since we dont have any creditable image to live up to, lets entangle in the mesh of cliches and declare the winner #1 "its always darkest before dawn"

I'm so happy that I cant stop crying,

1 comment:

Teal™ said...

Update woman update!!!!! :-O