Sunday, November 21, 2004

The Return of the Queen

Hey I am back.
And I do feel like a Queen right now.

I had my birthday last week and my inbox was flooded with wishes. Also a coupla nice people have wanted me to come back to blog... ["I havent blushed so much since Madam Pompfrey told me that she likes my new pink earmuffs"- Prof.Dumbledore in "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone"]
So being in a very rare warm mellow mood, let me recount some of the warm mellow happenings in my life so far that can be mentioned in a blog.
My best birthday so far was the one that Brinda and Co. threw for me in 2000. A surprise celebration complete with cake and Dairy Milk bars for everyone (there was another guy who was celebrating that day too and the choclates came from him). I had no less than 10 great friends that time. I was the happiest, luckiest girl in the universe.
The second best was in 1999, when my brother was born 2 days before my birthday. So the all time best birthday gift 'a new darling baby brother'!!! Sri Krish is the light of my life now... a really handsome 5 year old. He celebrated his birthday this year with the children of an orphanage in Chennai - A truely meaningful action.
Third best would have to be my first birthday celebrations. I put it at #3 because I don't remember anything that happened that day, but the accounts of the people who attended it convinces me that I was quite the 'Princess'.

This year was the year of 'You-are-so-old-better-lay-back" and following the hollowed traditions that this 23rd year of life marks... I did nothing- All Day.It is a truely exhausting experience. Now I am looking for a nice retirement home for me, where I can do the simple everyday tasks with my fellow over-the-hill oldies.

Resolutions for 23rd year:
A] Lose weight. // very Bridget Jonesy, I should say ( and then shudder!)
B] Be nice to people. // hafta figure that one out, but am open to suggestions
C] Achieve life's ambitions or atleast be on the road to that. [priority #1] // the initial action from my part is over, am waiting for the great response.
D] Go back to my non-profit pursuits of creative bend a.k.a start sketching and writing again
E] Learn a new language. // looking for a zulu coaching centre, even spoken eskimo will do.
F] Pray a whole lot more and learn the stuff I am expect to know as a good hindu and as a good daughter.

On a warm mellow note of 'I am back so everybody visit my blog!!'