Monday, March 14, 2005

The Perils Of The Published Poet

Swetha gave it a two thumbs up and even went as far as recommending it to her husband as a way of introducing me and he seemed to take it pretty well too. Raj gave it a one thumb up another thumb down. I admit its not my best, but given the one evening I had (and wiled away) and the 15 minutes of the next day morning I spent on this (hastily summoning all muses),I should say its not lets not sit around twiddling thumbs,all ye stout hearted lads and lassies, lets get with the poem:

A Journey in a Life…

Like the first colonists in a new world at bay,
We stepped onto the campus one fateful day.

In just a little less than half a decade, we emerged,
as seeds, from the tree, with greatness in us, preserved.

Our journey here was by no means smooth or easy, as it shouldn't, you see,
for each of us is now a skillful sailor, we set out to be.

Life here taught us to be humble and proud,
to learn and teach, alternatively and loud.

To fight best when pushed the hardest, a measure;
Diamonds are the coal that performed under pressure.

Sometimes it was as normal as college life would get,
and sometimes quite the antithesis of standards that were set.

We lived and laughed, till there came a time to go,
Things will move on, that would always be so.

Deep in the distant future, when great many things would end and begin,
some things would always have to remain- our source, our origin.

Plz take time to throw some praise/brickbats my way.
When times comes, you know I'll do the same for you :)


Unknown said...

hey.. that's a well written poem..! and so true about college.. sigh!

// To fight best when pushed the hardest, a measure;
Diamonds are the coal that performed under pressure.//

so true..!

//Deep in the distant future, when great many things would end and begin,
some things would always have to remain- our source, our origin.//

yep.. i believe in that too..!

good read on de whole..!

Braveheart said...

Beautiful poem!

Rainbow said...

thanks to chik and Akshaya for their kindness. Hope to bring in better quality next time (if there is such a time)
and Morph, I keep 2 comment boards cos,
a] too lasy to uncheck the implicit comments radio button
b] I get automatic links to your blogs from your comments here, so its easier to follow you guys up.

J said...

Hey ramya, me prefered the separate comment window to this. Your blog does take a looooong time to load completely...

pisku said...

very simple and thoughtful poem. me leaving college for good in a couple of months. Identify with everything you say.

Rainbow said...

just leave it there and if it was meant to stay it will despite haloscan's summing problems.

the haloscan window is a mainstay, it will always remain. you are welcome to post comments there too. :)

interesting name. thanks for your kind words :)

Anonymous said...

hai ramya,
a very well written poem i must say....looking forward to read more of these...