Friday, October 01, 2004

Mucho 'bout zilch

Goof-ups are great levelers. I lost 100 bucks to some administrator’s billing me for a service I didn’t use. “Its not your fault”, he agreed, “but what is done is done…sorry”.The philosopher.

One more goof-up: the caterer didn’t make enough dessert, hence when I went to lunch, late, he said,” eat whatever is available…its on the house.” The Saint.

On one pan of the balance we have 100 Indian Rupees, on the other we have 10[ the value of the lunch had it not been free]… not quite leveled, but its on its way there. I know I am entitled to 9 other free lunches, when they present themselves before my money [the principal amount] gets returned to me by karma- the chameleon.
Unthinkingly, I have just made my first balance sheet. The markings of a Managerial head honcho, wouldn’t you say? [if you say it well-enough, I may hire you to be my head sycophant…Tee Hee]

I have also managed to come up with a theory on saints, poets, philosophers and mystics; they were all software professionals once, who were hired by a renowned company and put on bench. Then their bosses forgot about their existence. Why would anyone ponder over the mysteries of our existence or purpose, unless he/she were paid reasonably, was fed coffee/tea every couple of hours and most importantly, was not given work. This combination of a false sense of security and inebriation ensures that even the most wooden of programmers start to wax eloquently about the meaning of life…[which is most accurately mentioned in the ultimate book on philosophy ‘The Hitch-hiker’s Guide to the Universe’- review, coming soon to a blog near you. Namely, my blog.]
Everyone knows that those questions are abstract and pointless. But pondering over the mysteries of life serves as explanations when someone catches you napping with your eyes open. So it’s the natural occupation of the bench-warmers. Naturally.
Lucky them. If we working people were caught napping with our eyes open, we say ‘I am totally with {someone’s name, who is mostly likely to have said something}, in this question (about which we have no clue)’; then we proceed to shoot an encouraging smile at the person who’s name you mentioned and if its socially permissible, pat him/her on the shoulder. I know this may sound like a cheesy version of a Dilbert comic, but truth is stranger than fiction, guys. [these clichés have me enslaved, I blame my education and my English teachers]
I have some technical enrichment lined up for myself next week. We’ll see how that goes… I am so sure I am going to have a lot to say on that. And it won’t be about developing portable components using polymorphic properties exhibited by the instances of objects which have been derived from their abstract parents. Welcome to the corporate world, where lingo and catch-phrases rule and goof-ups are a way of life. Working- that is optional.
On the note of, “Calling Elvis, is anybody home?”
PS: Happy weekend.