Friday, September 03, 2004

Crystal ball wishes

Ok, so looks like I am stuck with the job I got; Unless I quit, and there is no point in that. On a lighter note, the week is up and the end is slightly extended to cover the dreaded Monday as well. There is going to be the celebration of the birth of a beautiful baby boy in the tretha yuga (which in English is a long time ago) – Sri Krishna
I went to the blog of a person I have spent some time with in the recent past, whom I greatly admire and my ‘admiration’ has only increased. Too bad that person no longer remembers that I exist. [wow that makes me look supercool in front all you unknown people]
Even otherwise, it don’t matter at all.
coming to the point that the title is all about. If i could wish for something to happen in my recent future and it would happen that would be a Crystal Ball wish.
So there are these 2 guys- one is a super genius and other the super jerk from charm school[means he is the devil but damn he can be charming] both of them and me , we all want the same thing. I hope that me and the genius guy get through.

With regard to my job, I don’t see myself doing this crap for long. I have some ideas/wishes; one really specific one-which will absolutely change my life.
I pray that it comes true for me. There will be multi-fold advantages in this.

But my last and may I say extremely unprepared attempt at the idea has left me with very little confidence. Let’s see, good things happen to good people –right? [yeah it better be that way, because good girls don't have any fun otherwise]
So my good thing should happen and then I start my steps towards world domination [Muah haha ha hah a- translation: Evil laugh]
Here is a prophecy:[serious]
“R[me] will have success to make it to the place she wants to go to and will be doing the thing she wants to do by this time next year”

By the grace of god it will come true. I am even keeping my eyes,ankles and toes crossed along with my fingers. That is the most scientific way to work for this goal of mine. Oh yeah this other thing called Hard work is also a good utility, hope that this Janmashtami drills into my thick skull the importance of sweating it out for the greater good of ... myself. [geez, i am not Mother Teresa whaddya want from me anyhoo?!!!]
on that very cute note of self absorption I take leave,

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