Thursday, September 23, 2004

Omens and Demons

Today I lost all the mail, I had in my inbox for a month,including the Calvin resources link [BoooHooo].Walked in to the pouring rain, amidst the strong sunshine to my transport to the office. 2 Omens, 0 interpretations.
Then on the way, There was this guy dressed as Hanuman [My mostest favoritest of the Hindu pantheon Gods other than Shiva] walking along the road. How often would people get to see guys in Monkey God suit walking on the road when its raining while the sun shines furiously?!! Omen #3
I finish Catch-22, which most people found funny, but I found it really depressing and made me think about the futility of war. Demon #1.
I also sat through, much to my growing disgust, the address to the United Nations by one of the foremost 'allies' in the war against terror. The man, who is a dictator[Demon #2], spoke at length about the democratic processes in Iraq and Afghanistan and expressed his approval. If he liked Democracy so much then why the &^%* did he make a sham out of general elections in his country and change the Prime Minister more frequently than socks?
That $%^@#&$, kept mentioning, the {name of a controversial religion} world's attributes. lets call it Muslin. He said 'Muslin World is not happy', 'Muslin World expects...', 'Muslin World's problems...' etc.
Helloo..... There is only ONE WORLD and its for EVERYBODY. That is what the UN stands for.
He also advised my country on what 'responsible behavior' he expected from it... the guy that was at the centre of things when they infilterated in to our territory - so many young perished because of madmen with blood-lust like him. Then they stand in the pulpits sermonizing like they are so self-righteous and sanctimonius.
I didnt mean for my blog to be a vent to my political opinions. But I am the black dot on a white board, you may interpret me anyway. "GIVE PEACE A CHANCE".

On a lighter vein,this guy from Blore sympathised with my position in the forum and said the my messages were "nice and cute" [shudders] . My mother wants to visit the blog, I told her that it wasnt a good idea. Still I made the preparations. [refer to :&am;^$*% and other such blocked out words]

On that smug note,

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